Sign the Petition
The Ben Davis Conservancy District has provided our community reliable and affordable sanitary sewer service for 65 years, but we need your help. The Conservancy has a plan to build a treatment plant, and we need your support for a permit. Our treatment plant will benefit our community by allowing the Conservancy to control its costs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does the Conservancy need to build a treatment plant?
Citizens Energy Group treats our sewage. In recent years, Citizens has raised its prices significantly. By constructing a treatment plant, the Conservancy can control its costs and save you money.
What will happen if the Conservancy doesn’t get its permit?
Without a permit, the Ben Davis Conservancy won’t be able to control it’s costs. The Conservancy would continue to pay Citizens Energy Group for treatment, and, as Citizens increases its costs, the Conservancy will have to raise your rate. Here’s the bottom line: without a treatment plant, your monthly bill will get much higher.
Who will pay for the treatment plant?
The treatment plant will be paid for by bonds, and the bonds will be repaid from the money we would pay Citizens Energy Group to treat sewage.
Our Response to Citizens Energy Group
In recent years, Citizens Energy Group has raised its rates higher. So when the Conservancy announced that it would build a treatment plant to save money, Citizens responded with a $10 million buyout.
The Future
The Ben Davis Conservancy District has plans to build a clean treatment plant and add acres of green space to the Tibbs Avenue area.